Tag Archives: tweetpress

Twitter moan – why do no iPhone developers support Tweetpress properly?

I realise I’m one of about three people who this affects, but it’s irritating nonetheless, so I thought I’d write about it.

I use Tweetpress with Twitter to upload pictures. Tweetpress is used instead of yfrog or twitpic, to share images on Twitter, but upload them to your own WordPress website. I do this so that they’re on my own hosting, on my own blog, and when people click them from my Twitter feed, they come to my site. I know this has contributed to the visitor numbers here, which have been growing ever since I started this blog on this domain.

It creates a nice photos page, with a load of thumbnails of my recent images. Lovely.

The problem now though is massive lack of support. Continue reading Twitter moan – why do no iPhone developers support Tweetpress properly?